ArgentSky - Personal Bests

SMB1 - Mushzoom0:04.86 / 37 pts / 56th
SMB1 - Loose Change0:03.30 / 32 pts / 61st
SMB1 - Step It Up0:06.50 / 22 pts / 71st
SMB1 - ? Block Party0:04.76 / 42 pts / 51st
SMB1 - Run for Your Money0:03.65 / 41 pts / 52nd
SMB1 - One on 1-10:28.86 / 12 pts / 81st
SMB1 - Hit the Bricks0:16.13 / 66 pts / 27th
SMB1 - Axe to Grind0:19.30 / 26 pts / 67th
SMB1 - Shoo, Lakitu!0:26.96 / 39 pts / 54th
SMB1 - Cash Grab1:06.15 / 64 pts / 29th
SMB1 - In the Zone0:38.65 / 54 pts / 39th
SMB1 - Sink or Swim0:37.78 / 52 pts / 41st
SMB1 - Cheep Cheep Chase0:37.70 / 49 pts / 44th
SMB1 - Mario Master
Z1 - Don't Go Alone0:07.96 / 0 pts / 139th
Z1 - Octorok Onslaught0:04.10 / 36 pts / 57th
Z1 - Fire in the Hole0:03.68 / 54 pts / 39th
Z1 - Key of the Keese0:03.98 / 64 pts / 29th
Z1 - Take Heart0:27.66 / 70 pts / 23rd
Z1 - Aquamentus Argumentus0:04.70 / 44 pts / 49th
Z1 - A Secret to Everybody0:07.58 / 69 pts / 24th
Z1 - Gut Bomb0:06.16 / 25 pts / 68th
Z1 - Death Mountain Duel0:07.61 / 54 pts / 39th
Z1 - Deadeye0:08.50 / 64 pts / 29th
Z1 - Beneath the Hollow Tree0:24.86 / 59 pts / 34th
Z1 - Darknut Dustup0:09.81 / 74 pts / 19th
Z1 - Wizzrobe Warrior0:10.61 / 72 pts / 21st
Z1 - The Body Will Follow0:12.90 / 73 pts / 20th
Z1 - Labyrinth Champion1:55.60 / 68 pts / 25th
M1 - Power Grab: Morph Ball0:03.98 / 3 pts / 90th
M1 - Quickdraw0:03.30 / 48 pts / 45th
M1 - Power Grab: Bomb0:07.48 / 64 pts / 29th
M1 - Up & Out0:41.60 / 67 pts / 26th
M1 - Power Grab: Missile0:14.48 / 47 pts / 46th
M1 - Power Grab: Screw Attack0:15.41 / 69 pts / 24th
M1 - Breakdown0:13.70 / 68 pts / 25th
M1 - Kraid Raid1:23.56 / 71 pts / 22nd
M1 - Ridley Riddance1:49.10 / 60 pts / 33rd
M1 - Elevator Blitz0:37.41 / 72 pts / 21st
M1 - Avoid the Metroids0:31.16 / 72 pts / 21st
M1 - Escape Expert1:05.38 / 71 pts / 22nd
DK - Bottom Rung0:04.83 / 53 pts / 40th
DK - Hammer Hustle0:11.31 / 62 pts / 31st
DK - Barrel Roll0:21.60 / 43 pts / 50th
DK - Lost & Found0:13.51 / 61 pts / 32nd
DK - Jumping Jacks0:24.50 / 66 pts / 27th
DK - Finders Keepers0:19.25 / 67 pts / 26th
DK - Construction Destruction0:45.30 / 70 pts / 23rd
DK - Kong Crusher2:31.93 / 70 pts / 23rd
KI - Seek & Destroy0:09.16 / 65 pts / 28th
KI - Pitcher Perfect0:13.41 / 73 pts / 20th
KI - Spa Treatment0:05.65 / 63 pts / 30th
KI - Harp on It0:30.31 / 72 pts / 21st
KI - Specknose Spectacle1:00.48 / 70 pts / 23rd
KI - Water Divination0:20.70 / 66 pts / 27th
KI - Overcome the Underworld2:37.80 / 66 pts / 27th
KI - Eggplant Harm0:14.21 / 74 pts / 19th
KI - Underworld Wonder
SMB2 - Door to Door0:06.20 / 0 pts / 142nd
SMB2 - Veggie Plucking0:01.10 / 8 pts / 85th
SMB2 - Sub-Space Exploration0:04.26 / 58 pts / 35th
SMB2 - Leap to the Peak0:09.30 / 58 pts / 35th
SMB2 - Egg Toss0:17.18 / 72 pts / 21st
SMB2 - Desert Dash
SMB2 - Over & Out0:20.20 / 64 pts / 29th
SMB2 - Evasion is Key0:30.21 / 60 pts / 33rd
SMB2 - Destroyer of Dreams0:44.75 / 73 pts / 20th
SMB2 - Cloudtop Climb0:20.41 / 77 pts / 16th
SMB2 - Whale of a Time0:42.26 / 71 pts / 22nd
SMB2 - 1-1 Dream Run3:10.83 / 71 pts / 22nd
EX - Cool It0:10.68 / 32 pts / 61st
EX - Heating Up0:34.83 / 69 pts / 24th
EX - In Rhythm0:35.90 / 70 pts / 23rd
EX - Poppin' Wheelies0:40.26 / 74 pts / 19th
EX - Xtreme Terrain0:42.16 / 76 pts / 17th
EX - Motocross Maestro1:22.80 / 69 pts / 24th
IC - Shivery Start0:02.56 / 25 pts / 68th
IC - Arctic Ascent0:15.35 / 69 pts / 24th
IC - Bonus or Bust0:15.78 / 71 pts / 22nd
IC - Every Last Eggplant0:31.15 / 71 pts / 22nd
IC - Peak Performance0:39.11 / 71 pts / 22nd
IC - Condor Conqueror1:29.30 / 73 pts / 20th
BF - Pop It0:01.43 / 100 pts / 1st
BF - Balloon Bopper0:06.50 / 50 pts / 43rd
BF - Pop 'Em0:07 / 61 pts / 32nd
BF - Balloon Burster0:24.70 / 73 pts / 20th
BF - Pop 'Em All1:00.80 / 73 pts / 20th
BF - Balloon Basher0:45.70 / 75 pts / 18th
BF - Ace Balloonist2:53.21 / 75 pts / 18th
SMB3 - Mushzoom 20:04.55 / 41 pts / 52nd
SMB3 - Coin Collector0:08.73 / 52 pts / 41st
SMB3 - Super Leaf in the Wind0:07.16 / 50 pts / 43rd
SMB3 - Hammer Bro KO0:03.85 / 23 pts / 70th
SMB3 - Half-Pipe0:02.86 / 47 pts / 46th
SMB3 - Lookie, Tanooki!0:03.75 / 60 pts / 33rd
SMB3 - 1-1 of a Kind0:31.26 / 47 pts / 46th
SMB3 - Check 1-20:29.15 / 74 pts / 19th
SMB3 - Ka-Boom Boom0:12.45 / 52 pts / 41st
SMB3 - Curtain Call: Larry0:11.70 / 53 pts / 40th
SMB3 - Beat the Heat0:56.83 / 65 pts / 28th
SMB3 - Curtain Call: Morton0:12.73 / 65 pts / 28th
SMB3 - Froggy Paddle0:40.75 / 64 pts / 29th
SMB3 - Curtain Call: Wendy0:13.43 / 70 pts / 23rd
SMB3 - The Big Race0:28.33 / 76 pts / 17th
SMB3 - Curtain Call: Iggy0:11.16 / 73 pts / 20th
SMB3 - Quickstep0:53.61 / 72 pts / 21st
SMB3 - Rotary Rush1:20.60 / 73 pts / 20th
SMB3 - Curtain Call: Roy0:11.60 / 70 pts / 23rd
SMB3 - Hammer It Out1:04.21 / 76 pts / 17th
SMB3 - Curtain Call: Lemmy0:15.13 / 73 pts / 20th
SMB3 - Perilous Plants0:25.91 / 72 pts / 21st
SMB3 - Curtain Call: Ludwig0:15.73 / 69 pts / 24th
SMB3 - World 1 Wizard
Z2 - Monster Slayer
Z2 - Leveling Up
Z2 - Fairy Finder
Z2 - Cliff Jumping
Z2 - Low-Key Hero
Z2 - No Bones about It
Z2 - Goodbye, Guma
Z2 - Crumbling Crossing
Z2 - Knuckle Sandwich
Z2 - Magic Jar Excavation
Z2 - Neigh Slayer
Z2 - Rebonack Attack
Z2 - Rescue Operation
Z2 - Firefight
Z2 - Parapa Palace Pro
SMB2J - Not Lichen It
SMB2J - Paratroopa Toppling
SMB2J - Mushzoom 3
SMB2J - Staircase Race
SMB2J - Mario vs. 1-1
SMB2J - Luigi vs. 1-1
SMB2J - Divemaster
SMB2J - Lost Legend
KA - Inhale without Fail
KA - Taking Flight
KA - Quick Copy
KA - Updraft
KA - Exit Stage Right
KA - Bombs Away
KA - Walloping Whispy Woods
KA - Coconut Rush
KA - Busting Up Bonkers
KA - New Heights
KA - Fireball Rush
KA - Meta-Knights Strike
KA - 1-1 and Done
KA - Unidentified Flying Kirby
KA - Favorable Wind
KA - Eye in the Sky
KA - Wheels Down
KA - Shipshape
KA - Meta Knight Sword Fight
KA - Monochrome Hero
Totals54:28.35 / 6421 pts

Overall Combined Time: 54:28.35

Overall Combined Points: 6421 pts

This page generated 2025-03-12 04:29:12.